In two days, I will have completed eleven weeks of continuous daily exercise. I have still not missed a single day. That fact in itself motivates me every single day. I love being able to say “I haven’t missed a day in eleven weeks”. I never want today to be the day I ruin it. So on the treadmill I go and do my thirty minutes or my forty-five minutes or my hour. I haven’t progressed to doing an hour very often, at least not yet. Forty-five is my standard. On days that I have time and I feel really good, I do an hour. On days that I am feeling slow and achy, I do thirty. For a week I did some yoga to start strengthening my abs and my back, but I hurt myself a bit working in the yard so I’ve had to stop doing those exercises for awhile. It’s a bummer, because it did really feel like my abs were getting a great workout. I’ll get back to it when my body heals. In addition, I’d really like to add in some Wii Fit time at least once a week, maybe twice and also once a week or so do something a bit challenging like hiking or a bit of jogging. I just want to push the level up a little once in awhile to start building up my endurance and strength. I want to do some different things so I’m not always working all the exact same muscles, to work different muscles than those that get worked on the treadmill. I want to mix it up so that, for instance, the next time I work in the yard I’m not sore for five days afterwards. I am surprised to be this sore since I have been working out. Obviously I don’t use my currently sore muscles when I walk. And it seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time to heal. Very irritating.
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