Today is the end of week six. Can you believe it!!?? Six whole weeks and I haven’t missed even one day. I am SOOO proud of myself. Some days are hard, painful, tiring. Other days are almost euphoric and my body enjoys the whole forty-five minutes of working out. Those days still surprise me, but I love them. Even a day that starts off difficult can turn into a euphoria day. Yesterday was one of those days. I got going and for the first five or six minutes I was dragging and wishing I was already done. And then my body hit it’s stride and I felt great. The remainder of the forty minutes went by so fast and I still felt good when it was time to stop. I could have done more probably, but I didn’t want to push it and regret it today. Of course, I feel tired and blah right now, but I never know until I get started whether the exercise itself will re-energize me. I sleep better, I’ve lost about fifteen pounds and I feel better. I have more energy and I feel less stressed out. I really do believe it’s the perfect way to transition from my stressful work day to my relaxed and happy home time. It is so helpful to use that working out time to let all the negativity I bottle up all day flow out and let my mind wander to happier thoughts. Then I can shower and have dinner and really enjoy my time with my honey. I also feel like it’s really helped me be able to deal much more effectively with my irritation or anger about things. I am much more able to bite my tongue instead of lashing out and then regretting what I’ve said or done. I am very pleased about that development, especially since it was totally unexpected.