Originally Posted December 15, 2006
Updated September 14, 2007
Name: Mary
Nicknames: None :-(
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Longish
Eye color: Green
Body Type/Size: Tall, large
Ethnicity: White
Shoe size: 10
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Best Physical Feature: Do I have one? I guess my eyes
Color: BLUE
Food: Pizza of course, but I like Mexican too
Drink: Cherry Pepsi and virgin Pina Coladas
Ice Cream: Baskin Robbins Chocolate Chip (NO MINT) or Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch
Salad dressing: Ranch
Smell: Vanilla, Rain, my cats, myself after driving in the car with the windows down, crayons, baking cookies/brownies, Honeydew candles, New car smell (especially if it's MY new car!!), Tommy Girl Jeans perfume
Movie: The Goonies, Titanic, Meet Joe Black, 13 Going on 30, Under the Tuscan Sun, Just Like Heaven, The Prestige, Where the Heart Is, Ever After, Timeline
Book: The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill A Mockinbird, The Harry Potter Series, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, The Four Agreements, anything by Sue Grafton or Janet Evanovich, The Midnight Fox
Band: Right now it's Enigma, also Depeche Mode, Madonna, Nelly Furtado
Type of music: Dance
Car: HONDAS!! Also have a soft spot for old MR2's (MKI 1985~1989)
Month: I Love October!!
Season: Fall
Day of the Week: Friday
Holiday: Halloween and Christmas
Number: 13
Vacation Spot: Disneyland - WOOHOO
Brand of Body Soap: Bath and Body Works
Flower: Orange Roses
Country: Duh!! USA
This or that:
Big/Small: Depends
Dog/Cat: Cat
2 Door/4 Door: Depends on the car (I'm quite picky about cars if you must know), but usually 2 door
Shampoo/Conditioner: Well I have to have both daily, but conditioner is my favorite
Black/White: Black
Pepsi/Coke: Definitely PEPSI
MacDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Wine/Beer: Ick!! Neither
Pulp/No Pulp: Not
Scary/Comedy: Generally Comedy, but Scary can be fun if it's truly scary (and not just dumb) and you're with the right person
Magazine/Book: Book
Cold/Hot: Depends
Noise/Silence: Silence
Night/Day: Night
Hug/Kiss: Lots of Both
Love/Lust: Love
Romantic/Horny: Both
Green/Orange: Green
Good/Evil: Good
Salt/Sugar: Depends on the food, but mostly sugar
Clean/Dirty: Clean
Pool/Ocean: Ocean
Wet/Dry: Dry
Pencil/Pen: Do I need to erase? I prefer typing – it's much neater
Cursive/Printing: Printing except for my signature
Bath/Shower: Shower, bathtubs aren't ever long enough to soak properly
Type/Talk: Talk
Favorite in Opposite Sex:
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: All
Height: Taller than me
Punk/Prep/Ghetto/?: Normal
Long/Short Hair: Short, but long is ok as long as it's always clean
Alike/Different than you: Alike in some ways, different in some to spice things up
Smart/Hot: Both would be preferable, but smart if I had to choose
Rich/Poor: At the risk of sounding shallow - rich is best. (but only truly fun if he likes to give presents)
Favorite Finger: I don't really understand this question but I love hands!! (other peoples hands I mean)
Innie/Outie: I don't have a preference
Class Clown/Romantic: Romantic
Believe in Love: Yes
Would You be a Vegetarian: Nope
Vegan: Nope
Juice/Punch: Juice
Love, Beauty, or Creativity: Oh Jeez!! Do I have to choose? I want all three but I guess if I had to rank them: 1) Love, 2) Creativity, 3) Beauty
Do You Wish on Stars: I haven't for a long time . . . I would start again if I believed it worked
Chopsticks or Fork: Fork
Would you Kill Someone: Not for real
Young Love Possible: Yes
Fave Meat: Turkey on sandwiches, Pepperoni on pizza, Ham on salad
Fave Type of Chips: Chili Cheese Fritos
Salsa, Cheese, or Dip: Spinach Dip, especially when I make it
Umbrella/No Umbrella: Nope
Children Some Day: I don't know
Marriage: That's a loaded question
Milk/Soy: Milk!! Yummy
Type of Pie: Mom's Pecan . . . . and lots of Cheesecake if that counts as pie (it is in a shell/crust you know)
Would You Cuddle: As often as possible
Would you Donate Money: If I had any left over, sure
To Who: Animals, church
Favorite Clothes: Comfortable ones, jeans, but I do like to dress up once in awhile too
Color for Your Room: Blue
Coffee or Tea: Hot ChocolateC
appuccino or Coffee: See Above
Breakfast/Dinner: Breakfast, even at dinner time
Meat/Fish: Meat Best
Pet Ever: Francesca and Princess
Fave Berry: Raspberry
Length of Socks: Calf or Knee
Type of Footwear: Tennis shoes or sandals
Candles/Incense: Definitely candles
Better Naked or Clothed: Depends on what I'm doing
Word that Comes to Mind First Starts with Q: Queen
Smells: Honeydew candles and coconut soap
Makes Any Noise: Barking dog and freeway
Ends in E: The
State: California
Fruit: Banana
Starts with M: My Name
Thoughts First Waking Up: Is it Saturday?
Other Stuff:
Your Weakness: Wow, just one?
Your Perfect Pizza: Oh I LOVE Pizza!! Pepperoni and Mushrooms with Light Sauce, or Combo light sauce no fish
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Lose Weight
Your Most Overused Phrase On Instant Messenger: LOL and OMG
Your Bedtime: I prefer before 10:00, but usually it's later
Your Most Missed Memory: Summer vacations at my grandma's house
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both
Do You Smoke: Nope
Do You Swear: I wish I could say no, but . . . stuff happens
Do You Sing: Only in a group or if I think no one is listening
Do You Shower Daily: Of course, sometimes more than once
Have You Been in Love: Yes
Do You Want to go to College: I love college. I expect that I will be going to college for the rest of my life (off and on anyway)
Do You Want to Get Married: There's that loaded question again
Do You Believe in Yourself: On occasion
Do You Get Motion Sickness: Not usually, except on Hwy 20 between Willits and FB
Do You Think You Are Attractive: Not particularly
Are You a Health Freak: Ummm, No
Do You Get Along With Your Parents: Yes
Do You Like Thunderstorms: Yes. Wanna cuddle?
Do You Play an Instrument: I used to play flute, but not for years. I have a keyboard, but . . . .
In the Past Month Have You Drank Alcohol: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Smoked: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Been on Drugs: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Gone on a Date: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Gone to a Mall: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Eaten a Box of Oreos: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Eaten Sushi: YUCK!! That's a NO
In the Past Month Have You Been on Stage: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Been Dumped: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
In the Past Month Have You Stolen Anything: Nope
Number of Drugs I Have Taken: None
Ever Been Drunk: Twice, maybe three times. This was not my favorite experience.
Ever Been called a Tease: I don't think so
Ever Been Beaten up: Not physically
Number of Piercings: 3 in each ear
Number of Tattoos: 4 and it's time for 5Ever Shoplifted: Do I have to answer that?
How Do You Want to Die: Happy and old and in my sleep
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up: Happy
What Country Would You Most Like to Visit: Is Disneyland a country? No? Well then Italy I guess.
Number of Things in my Past I Regret: Does anybody keep count?
What Do I Do to Relax: Read, listen to music, go for a walk, go to the lake
How I See Myself in 10 Years: Oh gee whiz let's see - hopefully a lot skinnier, less debt, own a regular house with a Dark Grey 2005 Honda Civic EX coupe 5 speed or a 2008 Honda Accord EX Coupe 6 speed (that's the current car wish - check back later as it changes often)
What Do I Do When I Am Bored?: Read, surf the internet, call a friend, take a nap, go for a walk, wash my car, go to the lake - I used to go for a drive, but who can afford the gas anymore?
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Ken Lukenbill
For those of you who don't already know, Kenneth Lukenbill passed away on Friday, August 24th, 2007 at the age of 32. Ken and I were together for seven years, from July 1999 to May 2003. He was my husband for four years of that time, from May 1999 to May 2003. I hadn't seen Ken since August 2005 when he moved to Idaho, and in the two years between our split and his move we hadn't talked much, if at all. I was shocked to read his obituary (below) and even though I hadn't had much contact with him for the past four years, I am having a very difficult time dealing with his passing. While we obviously had our down times, we had some good times as well. I changed as a result of our relationship and I think I am a better person today because of our time together. I hope that he could have said the same thing about me.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who loved him. I can't imagine how hard this must be for all of them.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who loved him. I can't imagine how hard this must be for all of them.

Kenneth Joseph Lukenbill
7/17/1975 - 8/24/2007
Born on July 17, 1975 in Mountain View, California, Kenneth passed away unexpectedly on August 24th, 2007. He spent most of his life in Ukiah, California, he graduated from Ukiah High School and Mendocino Junior College, and Ken attended Chico State. Ken was an Information Technology Engineer and worked in Windsor, Calif. and Folsom, Calif. He loved working on computers and was an avid Beatles collector and fan. Ken also had a special love of stray animals, adopting many over the years. Ken's hobby was wood working; he created many beautiful pieces of furniture for his family that will last for many lifetimes. He especially loved his fiancée, Serena Chaviers, and their two year old son, Harley Moser Lukenbill III, known as Harley 3. Ken is survived by his parents Harley and Gayle Lukenbill of Auburn, Calif., brothers Aaron, Harley Jr., and William. Ken had a zest for life and took on many challenges that most people would not attempt. Ken was loved by all and will missed by all. The Lukenbill family will be holding private services to remember Kenneth.
Published in the Gold Country Media Newspapers on 8/30/2007.
Published in the Ukiah Daily Journal on 8/30/2007.
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